Conference 'Instruments for Shaping a Knowledge Region'

9th annual conference of the Technopolicy Network

Leuven.Inc and KU Leuven Research & Development would like to invite you to the 9th annual conference of the Technopolicy Network on 'Instruments for Shaping a Knowledge Region'.

The conference will be held in Leuven and Genk on September 17, 18 and 19, 2012. This edition of the Technopolicy Network conference focuses on the impact of science on interregional and international collaboration.

Conference programme and further info

For more information you can check out the Technopolicy website, or download the detailed programme.


As Leuven.Inc or KU Leuven Research & Development contact, you can benefit from a reduced fee (395 euro excl. VAT) for the full programme. This fee includes the Leuven Innovation Tour. The conference dinner on 18 September is not included (75 euro excl. VAT).

Preregistrations before August 21st 2012 preferably via the online registration form (use the 'Register' button) or by email to admin@leuveninc.com.

In case you are unable to attend a substitute delegate is allowed to participate at no extra cost. A cancellation fee of €95 will apply to cancellations received prior to September 1st. After this day no refunds are possible. A written notice has to be given in case of a cancellation.

Co-organizing partners of the 2012 edition

C-mine, KU Leuven Research & Development, Leuven.Inc, Provincie Limburg, Stad Genk, TiE Brussels

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