CIR Conference: Gene patents and public health

Recent events have clearly demonstrated that the public is very sensitive to the use of patents in the field of genetics. Discussions arise in particular with regard to the patentability of diagnostic and therapeutic applications based on genes. Concerns are expressed with regard to the possible blocking effects of such patents on access to health care. The conference offers a survey of the varied and complex issues which occur in patenting diagnostic methods. The conference also provides empirical evidence on well established strategies for using patents and explores new measures for gaining access to patents. The conference is designed to bring together a number of leading international experts who will discuss the various aspects of diagnostic patents. The conference should be of interest to a wide audience of academics, practioners, policy makers, NGOs and to all those interested in patents and health care.

Additional information on the conference can be obtained
from the Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIR)
Ms. Linda Mees
Tel.: +32 (0)16 - 32 37 32
Fax: +32 (0)16 - 32 37 30
Email: linda.mees@law.kuleuven.ac.be

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