Millimeter Wave Imaging and Technologies for Security Applications

Local organization: Div. ESAT‐TELEMIC, K.U.Leuven (contact person: Dominique.Schreurs@esat.kuleuven.be)

This one‐day workshop is a joint organization between the IWT SBO members of the project 'Visualisation of Concealed Objects Using Millimetre Wave Systems,' coordinated by the VUB ETRO research group, and the Leuven Center on Information and Communication Technology (LICT). Millimeter waves offer a unique combination between resolution and penetration depth for the task of security imaging and spectroscopy. The development of such imaging system is only possible by performing research in many disciplines. Hence the agenda presents a broad mixture of in‐depth talks, covering the research results of the SBO project, and LICT talks offering a broader perspective on the subject. Additionally talks will cover the future perspectives of electronic and photonic technologies for the mm and THz wave band.

- 9:00 - 9:30: Registration and Coffee
- 9:30‐9:40: Welcome
D. Schreurs (K.U.Leuven LICT)
- 9:40‐10:00: Introduction to LICT
G. Gielen (K.U.Leuven LICT)
- 10:00‐10:30: Millimeter Wave Imaging: SBO‐Project Overview
J. Stiens and I. Jäger (VUB)
- 10:30‐11:00: Privacy Issues of Imaging Technologies for Security Search Applications
C. Diaz (K.U.Leuven LICT)
- 11:00 - 11:20: Coffee break
11:20‐11:50: Object Recognition in Regular Images
T. Tuytelaars (K.U.Leuven LICT)
11:50‐12:20: Design Trade‐offs in Millimeter Wave Imaging Systems
I. Ocket (K.U.Leuven LICT)
- 12:20‐12:50: Active Millimeter Wave Imaging and Processing: Experimental Results
L. Zhang (VUB)

- 12:50 - 14:00: Lunch break
- 14:00‐14:30: Wideband Photonic Generation of Millimeter and THz Waves: Theory, Perspectives and
A. Stöhr and D. Jäger (Univ. Duisburg‐Essen, Germany)
- 14:30‐15:00: On wafer and Free‐Space Characterization of Materials and Devices for Mmwave Imaging
I. Huynen (UCL)
- 15:00‐15:30: Maxwell Modelling of Forward and Inverse Problems
A. Francois and D. Dezutter (Univ. Gent)
- 15:30 - 15:50: Coffee break
- 15:50‐16:20: Nano‐meter CMOS goes Millimeter Wave
N. Deferm and P. Reynaert (K.U.Leuven LICT)
- 16:20‐16:50: Thin Film Technology as an Enabler for Millimeter Wave Imaging Integration
W. De Raedt (IMEC)
- 16:50 - 17:00: Closure

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