CEOPositioningSystem V1.0 launched


CEOPS, one common dynamic business navigation system is being launched and looking for interested companies to perform pilot cases. In case you are looking for solutions to accelerate your strategic thinking in an innovative way CEOPS could be a solution for you.   

Helps you with navigating your strategic journey towards the achievement of your goals, today, tomorrow, longer term. This throughout the full strategic life cycle,from (early) signals up to the finalisation of projects, encompassing both opportunities and threats. For easy reference, sharing & directing as well as visualisation and pattern recognition all information is organised into one common repositiory. Yet information can be filtered and security features are built-in.

CEOPS is different in the way it is a dedicated and integrated application which has been built from scratch and is distinctively positioned at the crossroads of strategic planning, risk governance and performance management.http://www.ceonav.com/platform

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