Univeg markets new apple variety

Univeg-Legumex Trade, subsiduary of fruit and vegetable company Univeg Group has obtained a licence for the exclusive production and sale of two new apple varieties. It is the first time that Univeg has independently put new apple varieties on the market. The concept-apples from Better3Fruit are a cross between Gala and Braeburn and have no brandname as yet. 'Both varieties are green with a red flush, have a slighty sour taste and are crisp and juicy,' said Peter Hostens, general diretor of Legumex in the Agrarisch Dagblad.

The apple belongs to the selection of dual colour apples, such as Kanzi or Elstar. Univeg want to, together with the buyers, fix the positioning of the apple in the market, but in the first instance will target a broad target group on the European market. Hostens does not think that there will be a lot of pushing in the market for concept-varieties. You cannot force an apple onto the consumer. Much depends on what the retailer wants to do with the apple.'

For the production Univeg is in cooperation with the Flemish auction Haspengauw.
This year 30,000 trees were planted, about 15 HA. Production starts at the same time in the southern hemisphere. A reasonable volume may only be expected after two to four years. 'The Belgian production is the most solid, but our ambition is for the southern hemisphere.' Univeg will possibly also work together with other grower
associations. Hostens does not exclude the possiblity that Dutch growers will cultivate the apples in the future.

Source: Agrarisch Dagblad

Publication date: 1/18/2010
Author: Gerard Lindhout
Copyright: http://www.freshplaza.com/

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